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= 5.85 (27th November 2024) =
* Fix for new settings to clear the local transient cache when the license key is changed
* Added a new 'recheck now' button on the license key page for when users renew or upgrade
= 5.79 (22nd October 2024) =
* Fixed remove group by option so that it ONLY applies to that dropdown
- @hakan found that filtering the wp-admin > product list by category was broken unless the cat was a top level cat
= 5.69 (29th September 2024) =
* Upgraded the Remove Row Count feature
- limits itself to running against post queries with < 10 rows requested
- transforms news and magazine sites or those with mega menus where you have a dozen or so short queries for posts on your various pages
- added similar code to the Admin version of Remove Row Count
- we're seeing newpaper page load speeds drop from 12s to 1.4s uncached
* Added new tagDiv recent posts indexes for these newspaper websites
= 5.64 (20th July 2024) =
* Updated slow query log profiling to improve handling when wp-config.php cannot be edited
- for best results with the query profiling, make sure you have the db.php symlink in place and wp-config.php edited
= 5.52 (11th April 2024) =
* Updated stored reference list tables from WP updates
- hopefully this doesn't need to happen too often, maybe I could just reference the constructor of the parent somehow to run the hash check