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Salon Booking Wordpress Plugin

Salon Booking Wordpress Plugin 10.11

12.02.2025 - 10.11

* Improved UI of Mobile Web App
* Fixed issues with assistant view of back-end calendar
* Restored "Synchronize bookings" and "Delete bookings" buttons on Google Calendar settings
* Other minor issues
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
02.02.2025 - 10.10.2
* Minor fixes
* New option to disable Google Fonts for GDPR compliance
* New "Tip" field on booking details on back-end to track the tipped amount
* Fixed issue on Trashed bookings
* Fixed issue on CH language
* Fixed issue on Gmail snippet Timezone
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Reactions: MarkDragon
* Translated calendar of Web App
* Salon Shop Manager can now access the Web App
* Added Portuguese translation to Web App
* Fixed time format issue of the Web App
* Fixed service duration on front-end when a break is present
* Fixed issue with "salon custom image" upload
* Web App: Implemented "Assistants selection menù" availability check
* Web App: Implemented "Push notification" feature
* Web App: Implemented "custom fields" section
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Reactions: tatar221

* Fixed issue with Web App ( service list only 10 items )
* Fixed issue with Web App ( booking for brand new users not working )
* Added option to save a brand new customer on Web App
* Fixed issue with payment on PayPal
* Fixed issue on front-end booking form layout
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Reactions: tatar221
Download Salon Booking v8.2.2 Wordpress Plugin

* Fixed issue with email notification php notices
* Added a new "customer record link" inside the "Add new booking" page
* "Thai", "Dutch", "Estonian", "Portuguese" languages available
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Reactions: tatar221
21.09.2022 - 8.1
* Improved UI/UX of services/assistants added to a reservation from back-end (quick edit + re order drag & drop )
* Fixed issue on the Mobile App
* Fixed issue with Genitive form of months names for Latvia language
* Fixed issue with add to iCal link
* Fixed JS error issue on bakck-end calendar on "SAVE" button
* Added telephone country code prefix to API response
* Fixed issue with multiple SMS notifications sent to the same customer
* Fixed issue on untracked online payments
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Reactions: tatar221