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Safer VPN.jpg

Safer VPN App for Android, iOS, macOS and Windows, seamlessly integrated with the new backend Admin Panel, WireGuard Protocols, and rest api wireguard. This apps is finely tuned and production-ready, requiring only the configuration of your details for a smooth release on your Google Play Store or Apple Store account.

Key Features​

Cross-Platform Compatibility: The app supports Android, iOS, and macOS, providing a seamless experience across multiple devices.

WireGuard Protocols: Integration with WireGuard ensures secure and efficient VPN connections.

Admin Panel Integration: Seamlessly integrated with the Pocketbase Admin Panel, enabling effective backend management.

REST API: Utilizes REST API for WireGuard, allowing for smooth integration and operation.

Subscription Options: Offers various subscription plans, giving flexibility to users and potential for monetization.

Admob Ads Integration: Supports Admob for integrating ads, which can be a source of revenue.

Multi-Language Support: Includes support for multiple languages, making it accessible to a global audience.

Production-Ready: The app is finely tuned and ready for production, requiring only configuration details for release on Google Play Store or Apple Store.

These features make Safer VPN a robust solution for anyone looking to deploy a VPN service with modern, secure protocols and a user-friendly interface.
  • Version 2.0.4
  • Downloads 24
  • Views 494
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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