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S2W - Import Shopify to WooCommerce - Migrate Your Store from Shopify to WooCommerce

S2W - Import Shopify to WooCommerce - Migrate Your Store from Shopify to WooCommerce 1.3.0

/**1.3.0 - 2025.02.13**/
- Fixed: Updated product's variations via webhook working not properly
- Fixed: Sync Order transactions working not properly
- Updated: File support
- Updated: Add filter 's2w_import_payment_gateway_name'
- Updated: Changed to GraphQL API
/**1.2.6 - 2024.09.18**/
- Updated: File support
- Updated: Compatibility check with WC 9.3.1 and php 8.2 and wp 6.6.2
- Fixed: Fixed the incorrect product import/sync cost amount in orders when the 'Import price with tax' setting is enabled.
/**1.2.4 - 2024.03.14**/
- Fixed: Fixed cron product get product by language
- Fixed: Fixed cron product inventory update error
- Fixed: Fixed sync simple product inventory
- Fixed: Option keep variable product when it only has 1 option and 1 option value
- Updated: Update option sync order date paid via cron and manual
- Updated: Compatibility check with WC 8.6.0
- Updated: File support
/**1.2.1 - 2023.09.08**/
- Updated: Compatibility check with WC 8.0 and WP 6.3
- Added: Added option only sync product exist via webhooks
- Fixed: Fixed issue with auto-sending order emails after migrating order data.
/**1.2.0 - 2023.07.31**/
- Updated: Compatibility check with WC 7.9
- Updated: Compatibility check with W2S by Villatheme - Update product and order to shopify
/**1.1.15 - 2023.05.27**/
- Fixed: Fixed mismatch inventory status
- Updated: Compatibility check with WC 7.7
- Updated: Add more message to debug
- Updated: Support latest Shopify API version 2023-01
/**1.1.13 - 2023.03.08**/
- Added: Option to import inventory from a CSV file
- Added: Ability to import orders/customers by ID besides products
- Updated: Compatibility check with WC 7.4
/**1.1.12 - 2023.01.06**/
- Updated: Support latest Shopify API version 2023-01
- Updated: Customer registered date is kept when migrating
- Updated: Use WC logger instead of PHP error_log to log errors
- Added: Ability to choose to skip or override a product if it exists when importing via CSV
- Added: Options to update existing products, existing customers when importing from main settings page
- Added: Logs for CSV import
- Added: More options to sync products via cron and webhooks
- Added: "Force sync" option for Cron Products sync and Cron Orders sync
/**1.1.11 - 2022.12.19**/
- Fixed: Import pages
- Fixed: Wrong detection of images from product/post description if there are embedded youtube video
- Fixed: Error importing orders when new WooCommerce feature "Enables WooCommerce Analytics"(since WC 7.2) is off
- Optimized: Failed images deletion
- Updated: Support latest Shopify API version 2022-10