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RyanCV Resume WordPress Theme

RyanCV Resume WordPress Theme 3.7.3 NULLED

v3.7.3 (20.10.2024)
- Update: Bundled plugins to the latest version.
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Reactions: Kensei1212
v3.6.0 (21.06.2024)
- Update: Bundled plugins to the latest version;
- Added: New "DataOps" demo;
- Added: New Video background options;
- Added: New 9+ elementor widgets: "Hero", "Resume Two", "Skills Two", "Testimonials Two", "Heading Two", "Info List Two", "Numbers", "Pricing Two", "Services Two";
- Added: New styling options in RyanCV elementor widgets for dark/light mode;
- Added: New styles options for "Portfolio", "Blog", "Contact Form 7" elementor widgets;
- Added: New "Scrollable Type" option in RyanCV Options -> General;
- Added: New option for "Profile Layout" in RyanCV Options -> vCard;
- Added: New option for "Profile Background Layout" in RyanCV Options -> vCard;
- Added: New option for "Profile Social Links" in RyanCV Options -> vCard;
- Added: New option for "Theme UI" in RyanCV Options -> Styling;
- Added: New options for theme colors and typography in RyanCV Options -> Styling;
- Added: New option to disable post excerpt in RyanCV Options -> Blog;
- Added: New option to enable one-column for posts in RyanCV Options -> Blog;
- Added: New Preloader type "Minimal" and new options in RyanCV Options -> Preloader;
- Fix: Improved RTL styles;
- Fix: Improved top navigation bar styles on mobile;
- Fix: Improved hamburger menu styles on mobile;
- Fix: Improved typed subtitles styles on mobile;
- Fix: Improved WooCommerce template files;
- Fix: Other minor improvements and fixes.
v3.3.1 (07.08.2023)
- Update: Plugins to the latest version;
- Fix: Improved portfolio "Content" popup compatibility with elementor widgets;
- Fix: Other minor improvements and fixes.
v3.1.0 (12.01.2023)
- Update: ACF Pro to the latest version;
- Update: RyanCV Plugin compatibility;
- Fix: Improved contact form display;
- Fix: Other minor improvements and fixes.
v3.0.8 (30.09.2022)
Update: ACF Pro to the latest version.
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Reactions: wpstore
v3.0.5 (04.09.2022)
- Fix: minor php error
- Fix: mobile menu z-index
- Fix: Improved RTL when sidebar disabled