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Rock POS - The Best Point of Sale System

PrestaShop Rock POS - The Best Point of Sale System 4.5.0

Version 4.5.0 - 11/8/2023​

PrestaShop compatibility: - 8.1.2
  • [Added] Get loyalty points through sponsorship option.
  • [Added] Display address line 2 on the receipt if it is filled out.
  • [Added] Include the latest voucher code on the receipt for returned orders.
  • [Added] Implement a security enhancement by adding a .htaccess file to the module's root folder.
  • [Fixed] Resolve issue where the order status always showed 'Already returned' after canceling a return transaction.
  • [Fixed] Address the error ""Cross origin requests blocked..."" encountered when indexing products across multiple stores with different domains.
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