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Restrict Payment Method | Category, Product, Group, Zip

PrestaShop Restrict Payment Method | Category, Product, Group, Zip 2.0.3

FME Modules

Restrict Payment Methods is a payment restriction module that Hide payment methods based on Products, Categories, Cart, Zip code, Users, Cities and Days. Schedule cart rules & display the available payment methods as per your business needs.

Having a smooth payment system is one of the crucial aspects of any online business. Each payment method has its own pros and cons.
One payment method might be good for B2B business while others might be best for one particular product. Unfortunately, by default, there is not much option for payment methods in Prestashop.

Prestashop Payment Methods Module effectively provide a bunch of flexible options for each payment methods. The merchant can define multiple rules based on multiple criteria for payment methods. Merchants can create rules based on Products, Categories or Total Cart Value.

Restrict Payment Methods Based on Specific Products:
Option to create a rule where for a specific product only one specific payment method will be allowed.

Restrict Payment Methods Based on Categories:
Option to create a rule where one or more payment methods will be displayed for one or categories.

Rule-Based on Total Cart Value:
Another important option is that this module lets you create rules based on total cart value. This enables you to set a payment method if the total cart value exceeds some specific amount. The merchant can also include Tax as well as discounts in the cart value range.

Rule-Based on User Group:
Option to restrict payment methods for specific user groups.

Rule-Based Cities, Zip Codes, Day of the week
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  • Version 2.0.3
  • Downloads 36
  • Views 588
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  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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