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Responsive Posts Carousel WordPress Plugin

Responsive Posts Carousel WordPress Plugin 14.1

Responsive Posts Carousel WordPress Plugin.jpg

Responsive Posts Carousel is a lightweight and powerful WordPress Plugin that lets you display Posts, Gallery Images, WooCommerce Products, and all other custom post types in a touch-enabled carousel/slider. You can choose from 50+ ready to use templates and can customize them as per your need using the Live Template Editor. There are a bunch of settings and options available to create your awesome post slider in just minutes. You can create almost all types of sliders including ShowCase, Vertical Slider, Multi-Row Slider, etc. The number of columns for sliders can be defined separately for each device (Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile) and Equal Height mode makes your slides more beautiful and symmetrical. The custom image size can also be selected to increase page load speed and the lazyload option lets you display your slider as the page loads.

The Post selection criteria are also flexible and you can display your posts/cpts by IDs, type, date, author, status, taxonomy, term, and even by custom meta. Custom ordering lets you manage and sort your slides as per your needs. Placeholder Image can be used for those posts which don’t have a Featured Image. Specific posts can also be excluded from the selected criteria.

You can display a custom meta of posts/cpts in the slider. Advanced Custom Fields are also supported. All templates can be overridden to make changes in them by copying them in the Theme’s/Child Theme’s directory, just like WordPress’s other template files. Page Builders are also supported to display the actual content rather than printing the actual shortcodes.

AJAX-based popup (lightbox) enables you to quickly view the whole post right above the slider, without actually going to the post details page.
  • Version 14.1
  • Downloads 36
  • Views 551
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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