= 2.26.0 =
* New feature: New filter hook `relevanssi_forbidden_post_types` filters the list of post types excluded from Relevanssi indexing.
* New feature: New filter hook `relevanssi_forbidden_taxonomies` filters the list of taxonomies excluded from Relevanssi indexing.
* New feature: New filter hook `relevanssi_show_password_protected` controls whether password protected posts are shown in the search results.
* New feature: The Relevanssi metabox has new CSS classes and added HTML tags to allow better styling and to make it easier to hide sections of the metabox.
* New feature: Relevanssi settings tabs have more CSS ids to help hide individual settings.
* New feature: Support for `post_mime_type` query parameter.
* Changed behaviour: The `pre_relevanssi_related` and `post_relevanssi_related` action hooks get the post ID as a parameter, as it's not always available otherwise.
* Changed behaviour: Password protected posts are excluded from the search results by default to protect their contents.
* Minor fix: Click-tracking front end JS code now uses `wp_print_inline_script_tag()`.
* Minor fix: Related posts template CSS now uses `wp_add_inline_style()`.
* Minor fix: An array `_rt` tag won't cause a fatal error anymore.
* Minor fix: The Relevanssi network options blog list is reduced to 50 blogs to avoid crashes.
* Minor fix: The settings tab query parameter was renamed to avoid collisions with other plugins.
* Minor fix: The `post_id` parameter in the `[relevanssi_related_posts]` shortcode didn't work.
* Minor fix: In rare cases, the search results would not be in relevance order if the throttle wasn't used.