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- Duruo
Realtor CMS Real Estate Listing Starter Script
Realtor CMS is a real estate listing starter script. It is based on the Laravel PHP framework. Realtor CMS was born to be the real estate listing solutions. Specifically designed and implemented for easy use and fast customization based upon existing code. Script is made after deep analysis and elegant design. This script is made for specific real estate users. It consists of all parts which are required while creating a new real estate agency website. Script have features like agents/users registration, property listing/search, comment/rating, contact form, message, email notification, google map, blog, etc. The script comes with an admin dashboard, and the front-end website can be configured to 20 color themes. Try our demo.
- Property Search & Listing
- Comment & Rating
- Message & Contact Form
- Build-in Blog
- Google Map
- 20 Color Themes
- Laravel PHP Framework
- Free Installation
Steps to Follow
- Upload all files in script folder into public_html.
- Create a database.
- Update your database credentials in .env (DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD).
- Make sure APP_URL in .env is correct your domain. It should be APP_URL=<a href="http://your-domain.com">http://your-domain.com</a>
- (Optional, and you can do it later) Configure Email Sender in .env (MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS, MAIL_FROM_NAME)
- (Optional, and you can do it later) Configure SMTP in .env (MAIL_HOST, MAIL_PORT, MAIL_USERNAME, MAIL_PASSWORD, MAIL_ENCRYPTION)
- Go to <a href="http://your-domain.com/install">http://your-domain.com/install</a> and register admin account.
- That's all.
- (Detailed instruction included within the purchase script)'s>
- Apache or another compatible web server.
- PHP >= 7.1.3
- MySQL Database server
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
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