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Really Simple Security Pro

Really Simple Security Pro 9.3.2 NULLED

= 9.3.2 =
* Improvement: Added filters to customize Let's Encrypt Wizard behaviour
* Fix: Removed default checkbox behaviour from configuration settings.
* Fix: Fixed an issue where a loop occured when password protected page was created and custom-login enabled.
* Fix: handle multiple tooltip reasons for disabled select fields
* Fix: Preventing double lines to occur in the advanced-headers.php file
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Reactions: Jailander
= 9.2.0 =
Improvement: limited the number of header test requests for CSP learning mode
Improvement: If 404 errors are detected on the site’s homepage, we prevent the 404 blocker from being activated to prevent unwanted lockouts.
Improvement: Two-Factor Authentication now works with custom login screens.
Improvement: Updated endpoint version.
Improvement: disabling file permissions check will now correctly reset the file permissions list.
Fix: In some situations, header settings were lost after temporarily deactivating the plugin.
Fix: In some cases the review notice was not properly dismissible.
Fix: Added nonce check to certificate re-check button.
New: File change detection. This feature will keep track of suspicious file changes outside of regular updates.
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Reactions: Jailander
= 9.1.4 =
* Improvement: do not track 404's for logged in users
* Improvement: implemented the rsssl_wpconfig_path filter in all wp-config functions
* Improvement: When an ip is blocked within the admin panel the username now won’t be blocked after a login
* Improvement: Faster onboarding completion after clicking Finish button
* Improvement: CSS. Shields in user interface on datatables are no longer cut off
* Fix: 404 blocker will now write the rules to the advanced-headers.php file immediately
* Fix: fixed the dropdown height for the custom login URL 404 page picker
* Fix: LLA Username block did not expire
* Fix: stop showing notice when firewall is enabled.
* Fix: Reset 2FA attempt counter & notice after successful TOTP login
* Fix: 2fa sanitising produced a failed login.
* Fix: Create initial database entries for 'Enforce frequent password change' in batches, to prevent memory issues on sites with many users
= 9.1.2 =
* Improvement: improved error handling
= 9.1.1 =
* October 30th, 2024

* Improvement: setting a rsssl-safe-mode.lock file now also enables safe mode and deactivates the Firewall, 2FA and LLA for debugging purposes.
* Improvement: update to system status
* Improvement: textual changes
* Improvement: Updated instructions URLs
* Improvement: Changed site health notices from critical to recommended
* Improvement: dropped obsolete react library
* Improvement: add a site URL to email warnings regarding suspicious admin account creation
* Improvement: Additional feedback if 2FA grace period has expired
* Improvement: Users for which 2FA is enforced will now receive an email reminder three days before the grace period expires.
* Fix: email login button not working
* Fix: onboarding and login button did not save the correct configuration.
= 9.1.0 =
* New: User Agent Blocking.
* Improvement: add captcha URL's to default Content Security Policy rules.
* Improvement: Auto-removal of Free plugin and translation files when Pro is activated.
* Improvement: Resize logo in 2FA e-mails.
* Improvement: Allow scanning for security headers via http://scan.really-simple-ssl.com with one click
* Improvement: Exclude MPDF library in Complianz from Permission Detection.
* Improvement: Remove unnecessary rsssl_update_option calls.
* Fix: prevent potential errors with login feedback..
* Fix: Catch type error when $transients is not an array.
* Fix: Custom Login URL compatibility with password protected pages.
* Fix: Prevent potential errors when adding IP addresses to the Firewall allowlist.
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Reactions: Jailander
= 9.0.2 =
* Fix: issue with deactivating 2fa
= 9.0.0 =
* September 6th, 2024
* Security: Login url bypass on multisite
* Security: 2fa bypass fix, props Julio Potier @SecuPress
* Fix: Let's Encrypt returning an old certificate on auto-renewed certificates
* Fix: Multiselect in Limit login attempts
* Improvement: Better UX sync between CSP and frame ancestors
* Improvement: save and continue in vulnerabilities overview not working correctly
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* Fix: Issues with the decryption model