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New: The Based on Rating Star filter option for testimonial filtering.
New: The Center mode/style feature of the carousel layout.
New: The Multi-Rows carousel style feature.
New: The Carousel layout has been reorganized into two layouts (Slider and Carousel).
New: 4 Pre-defined themes of Thumbnail Slider.
New: The Quote Symbol in the Testimonial Title option.
New: The Caching feature with Enable Cache, Cache Time, and Flush Cache options.
New: The Rating Position, Rating Icon Size, and Gap options.
New: 2 New Transition Effects (Flip Horizontally, Flip Vertically) for the slider layout.
New: The Background Color Type (Solid/Gradient/Preset) for the testimonial item.
New: 11 Stunning Gradient Presets for the testimonial item.
New: The Testimonial Title Text Limit by Words feature.
New: The Box Shadow feature for the testimonial item.
New: The Image Box Shadow (Inset, Outset) option.
New: The Border-Radius option is for rounded image shapes.
New: The Show On Hover option of carousel navigation.
New: The Navigation Arrow Style Icons are reorganized and revised.
New: 5 New Pagination Styles (Dynamic, Strokes, Scrollbar, Fraction, Numbers) for slider and carouse layouts.
New: Auto Publish Based on the Star Rating option for testimonial status.
New: The Form Display Mode option (On Page, Popup/Lightbox).
New: Ajax Form Submission feature.
New: The Leave Your Review button with Button/Text Link styles.
New: The Testimonial Title and Content Limit by Characters/Words options.
New: The Before and After text options of every field of the form.
New: The Email Notification feature is divided into three types: Admin Notification, Reviewer Awaiting Notification, and Testimonial Approval Notification.
New: To, From, Subject, and Message Body (dedicated) options for Admin Notification, Reviewer Awaiting Notification, and Testimonial Approval Notification.
New: Two amazing options (Style One/ Style Two) for the form layout.
New: The Border and Border-Radius option of Input Fields.
New: The Rating Color option of forms.
New: The Form Background color option.
New: The Border option of forms./
New: 2 Types of Box Shadow feature of forms.
New: Form Alignment and Padding options.
New: Required Notice and Notice Label options of forms.
New: The plugin settings options are reorganized.
New: The Custom JS option.
Improved: The Plugin UX and UX were hugely reorganized and optimized to make it more user-friendly.
Improved: The Image Settings tab and its options were moved inside the Display Settings Tab.
Improved: The Space Between Testimonials option was moved to the General Settings Tab.
Improved: The Ajax Testimonial Search and its related options were moved to the Basic Preferences of the Display Settings Tab.
Improved: The Pagination Section of the Grid/List/Isotope layout was moved to the General Settings tab.
Improved: The \'Slider Controls\' tab was renamed \'Slider Settings.\'
Improved: The Display Setting tab options were reorganized into nested tabs.
Improved: The options for the Carousel Setting tab were reorganized into nested tabs.
Improved: The Hide on Mobile option of carousel navigation and pagination was separated from the Navigation and Pagination options, respectively.
Updated: The language (.pot) file.
Fix: Some wpcs-related warnings.
Fix: The redirect to the license page issue after plugin activation.