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NEW FEATURE Added new option "Agent Specialties" under Real Estate 7 Options > Listings > Listing Single > Agent Details Layout preview, specialties information is entered via the users profile > Specialties field (comma separated)
UPDATEDCode refactoring & improvements Listings Single > IDX > Info Layout > Listing History now shows percent change (+/-) for price when old value is available preview, when running CT IDX Pro plugin
UPDATED Real Estate 7 Options > Create a Skin > Secondary Colors > Secondary Background Color, to work with the new CT Automated Home Valuations plugin.
NEW FEATURE! Added new option "Enable Bulk Updating Listing Coordinates?" under Real Estate 7 Options > Listings admin screenshot, provides you with an easy way to automatically generate coordinates for your listings. This is useful if you're having issues with Google Maps Geocoding API, forgot to set it up, are importing listings via CSV with WP All Import, etc…more on this can be found in the knowledge base.
UPDATED UX improvements for Saved Searches & Lead Alerts. Requires updating Contempo Saved Searches & Email Alerts plugin to v1.1.3, go into via Appearance > Install Plugins > Update Available
UPDATED Moved IDX Footer to wp_footer action instead of directly injecting in footer.php, when running CT IDX Pro plugin. Ensures compatibility when using the Elementor Pro Footer Builder