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Qode Essential Addons Premium

Qode Essential Addons Premium 1.0.4 NULLED

Qode Interactive
Qode Essential Addons Premium.png

Qode Essential Addons Premium NULLED enhances themes with various functionalities- Portfolio post type, Portfolio List, Blog List & Product List shortcodes and more.

The Qode Essential Addons is a completely stand-alone plugin created by Qode Interactive. The plugin itself is not integrated into any theme by default, but it is used with all Qode themes as their vital part.

Although the Qode Essential Addons can be used with any theme, it is best used with Qode Interactive themes. In addition to expanding themes with the Portfolio custom post type, the Portfolio List, Blog List, Product List shortcodes as well as numerous other options, the plugin adds the administration panel when used with themes created by Qode.

The plugin relies on element modularity and the use of object-oriented programming. Fundamentally, the Qode Essential Addons plugin consists of a wide range of elements which exist independently of one another. This in turn makes for easy theme maintenance and keeps everything as transparent as it can get.

The plugin includes a huge number of hooks for countless actions and filters in themes to keep things fluid and clear. This makes way for a near limitless customization in themes that have this plugin activated.

One of the key points of the plugin is its general stability. Even after a major theme or plugin update, all changes that were previously made and saved remain safe.

The grid system is another notable feature of this plugin; grid size can be customized for every individual responsive stage on all list elements in themes when using Qode Essential Addons.
  • Version 1.0.4 NULLED
  • Downloads 66
  • Views 937
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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