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PWT SEO - Joomla SEO extension

PWT SEO - Joomla SEO extension 3.1.0

-------------------- 3.1.0 Release [10-Sep-2024] ------------------
+ -> Added option to strip the hashed data from a Joomla image
+ -> Added alert to check if we have seo data and keyword along with requirement
+ -> Added option to completely disable PWT SEO on the frontend
+ -> Added og:image:alt tag

# -> Use custom link instead of headLink to avoid conflicts

Changelog PWT SEO 3.0.0​

# -> Full support for J5
# -> Some css fixes

+ -> Support for dark theme
+ -> Underline errors

- -> Fully removed checks for Joomla 3

PWT SEO 2.2.2 - Joomla 4 / Joomla 5​

Released on 05 December 2023
For Joomla 4 & 5 only!
+ -> Added more snippets for controlling the OG:image tag
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Reactions: zafro

Changelog PWT SEO 2.2.0​

# -> Descriptions are now escaped for Structured Data
# -> Fixed issue with the SEF checker
# -> Fixed the issues with Custom Tags not properly loading from J3 format
# -> Fixed an issue with the locale and checking for unique title/keywords/descriptions
# -> Include null value for publish down when exporting articles
# -> Fixed an issue with interpreting int as string on checking for template styles
+ -> Added support for more characters
+ -> Add default og:type if none is provided to comply with Open Graph

^ -> Require focus-word for settings to apply