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Products Export PRO (Excel, CSV, XML, PDF) Module

PrestaShop Products Export PRO (Excel, CSV, XML, PDF) Module 5.3.3

Smart Presta

Easily export your products with details to Excel, CSV, XML & PDF files. Benefit from the advanced filters. You can automate the process by CRON and send the export file to emails, or to URL/folder/path by FTP.

This is a very customizable module to export your products into Excel, CSV, XML & PDF formats. Thanks to this module you will be able to have data of products, their categories, attributes, features, manufacturers (brands), suppliers, carriers. The advanced filters allow you to get the orders exactly you need. Your work will get easier if you want to know (almost) everything about your products. You will be able to get all the necessary data about your product catalog with one click.
  • Version 5.3.3
  • Downloads 49
  • Views 589
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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