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Product Price by Size

PrestaShop Product Price by Size 2.1.9

Musaffar Patel

Calculate dynamic product prices based on units such as dimensions, weight, volume entered by customers. Advanced features include area range based pricing and custom formulas for complex dynamic product prices
Dynamic price module to allow you to sell products by length, area, weight, volume and other dimensions and measurements. Price for your products will be calculated based on the measurements / dimensions. volume / weight that your customers enter on the product page.

A great feature for merchants selling products which are cut to size such as carpets, flooring, wood, glazing, glass, stickers, banners and more.

Allow your customers to enter the area and the dynamic product price is automatically calculated live.

Additional features include setting up specific prices for different area ranges, a useful feature to allow you to adjust the cost of your product depending on the total area of the product being ordered.

Allow customers to enter sizes / area either into text boxes or select from a predefined list of values.

The module also has the option to calculate product weight dynamically based on dimensions entered by the customer, a powerful feature which allows dynamic weight based shipping to be applied to the dynamically sized products .

Area based Stock Management (optional feature) allows you to manage stock for your products by area rather than quantities. When enabled, customers will be unable to purchase a product if the area they order exceeds the area in stock. Area stock is reduced automatically when orders are placed.

If you're looking for a powerful solution to sell products with dynamic pricing based on customer input, then the variety of powerful and unmatched features in this module will be the ideal solution for your store.
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  • Version 2.1.9
  • Downloads 43
  • Views 659
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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