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Product Area Packs Calculator

PrestaShop Product Area Packs Calculator 2.1.0

Musaffar Patel

This module allows customers to quickly calculate how many quantities of a product they will require based on area dimensions they enter on the product page.

This module is useful for merchants who sell products which are often purchased to fill an area, such as tiles, carpets, window blinds, wallpaper, grout, bricks etc but sold in discreet quantities such as boxes, packs or even rolls. Make it painless for customers to calculate exactly how many quantities they will require based on the area they will be purchasing for like many popular DIY sites.

Main Features Include:
  • Allow Customers to enter the area they wish to order, via dimension text boxes on the product page (width, height etc)
  • Module automatically calculates quantities required based on area entered
  • Allow customer to choose additional percentages for wastage. For example allow customer to add 10% for wastage. Wastage options can be fully customised in the back office.
  • Allow customers to enter information about multiple surfaces (eg Walls)
  • Optional: Customer can choose which unit of measurement to enter their measurements in
  • Supports product combinations / attributes to allow area price and total area in pack to be adjusted per combination
  • Multi Language and Multi Store support
  • No core edits required, quick, easy installation.
Additional Features
  • Admin can define total area of a product in one pack for each product and additionally define a price per m2 (or any other unit of measurement) which will be displayed on the product page.
  • Admin can choose to display price per m2 on the product list pages (such as the category pages) rather than the normal product price.
  • Admin can choose to allow customer to enter dimensions on the product in a different unit to that which the product is priced for. For example, it is possible to price your product in m2 while allowing your customers to order in mm)
  • Admin can setup wastage options and customise them for each product individually.
  • Easily setup the module for different product types, such as Tiles, Wallpaer rolls and Paints / Liquids
Fully customise available dimensions, including names, units. Additionally you can setup products with single dimensions, two dimensions or three (or even more if required)
  • Like
Reactions: tax01 and lizg0
  • Version 2.1.0
  • Downloads 36
  • Views 470
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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