• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked! For more information about rules, limits, and more, visit the Help page.
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    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
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Pretty Links Developer Edition

Pretty Links Developer Edition 3.6.15 NULLED

= 3.6.15 =
* Add Growth Tools menu
* Fix error with new notifications inbox
* Fix error when set_time_limit() function doesn't exist
= 3.6.14 =
* Fix translations error w/WP 6.7
* Fix PHP 8.2 notice
* Fix warning during automatic update
= 3.6.12 =
* New In-plugin Notifications inbox
* Fix wrong edition label in lite plugin's main file
= 3.6.11 =
* Fix PHP 8 deprecation warnings
= 3.6.8 =
* Updated getting started URL
* Bug fixes
* Updated onboarding steps
* Fixed ACF integration issue
* New tooltip styling
* Product Display updates
= 3.6.7 =
* Security hardening
* Removed pause option from PrettyPay Customer Portal as Stripe has temporarily removed this feature
* Pro: Fixed QR code generation on nginx webservers
= 3.6.6 =
* Fixing issue with prior release showing incorrect version
= 3.6.3 =
* Add section for PrettyPay™ within the Welcome and Complete steps for in-plugin onboarding
* Add notice of 3% fee to PrettyPay™ Links sub-page for free users
* Add support for ISO encoding when pulling in title from pretty link's target URL
* Fix PHP 8 deprecation warnings
* Fix database error on initial plugin activation
* Fix body class on Pretty Links page not being escaped
* Pro: Add filter hook for invalid response codes in Link Health
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