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- Tweak: Apply Icon size control on image icon in Icon Box widget.
- Fixed: Size control for Lottie Background addon not working on editor.
- Fixed: Instagram access token not generated.
- Tweak: Added "On Page Load" trigger in Off Canvas widget.
- Tweak: Core improved for better editor loading.
- Fixed: Navigate to Multi Scroll sides using elements not working.
- Fixed: Tabs widget not activating the correct tab on page load.
- Fixed: Hover effects not working in Smart Post Listing when featured image is disabled.
- Tweak: Improved compatibility with Optimize Markup Elementor feature.
- Tweak: SVG Draw Icon option improved for better loading speed.
- Fixed: Controls for global addons not being added in correct tabs.
= 2.9.25 =
- Tweak: Plugin core enahcnements to improve plugin performance.
- Fixed: Table not showing data from CSV files.
- Fixed: Global Cursor SVG icon style not working.
= 2.9.24 =
- Tweak: Plugin core enahcnements to improve plugin performance.
- Tweak: Added No Cache option in Table widget.
- Fixed: Issues when Blog and Smart Post Listing widgets are added in one page.
= 2.9.21 =
- Tweak: Pause videos in Tabs widget on switching tabs.
- Fixed: Conflict with Elementor v3.24.0.
- Fixed: Elementor entrance animations not working with Infinite Scroll option in Smart Post Listing widget.