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Perfmatters - The #1 Web Performance Plugin for WordPress

Perfmatters - The #1 Web Performance Plugin for WordPress 2.4.0 NULLED

= 2.4.0 - 02.26.2025 =
* Added new perfmatters_rucss_async_stylesheets filter and built-in settings for dashicons and animation stylesheets which were already excluded from used CSS.
* Added new perfmatters_after_local_analytics action hook.
* Added additional logic to better handle stylesheets with media query attributes when including them in used CSS for increased performance. WooCommerce users may need to clear their used CSS if mobile-specific stylesheets are being loaded as they have been removed from our built-in exclusions.
* Added new built-in stylesheet exclusion for Bricks post specific CSS.
* Added new Delay JS quick exclusion for WPBakery.
* Added a REST API exception for SureCart.
* Added additional compatibility styles to the Script Manager.
* Made some changes to be able to start our main output buffer a bit earlier in the load for better compatibility with other plugins that modify the HTML document.
* Updated clean uninstall function with current post meta options.
* Fixed an issue where the Clear Used CSS meta button was not working correctly for certain URL types.
* Fixed a PHP warning coming from certain rewrite rule formats when MU Mode was turned on.
* Removed BETA tag from preload lazy elements option.
* Updated our staging site license key exception list with additional formats.
= 2.3.9 - 02.06.2025 =
* Added new perfmatters_preloads_array filter.
* Added new perfmatters_minify_threshold filter.
* Added additional swiper JavaScript file to Elementor quick exclusion.
* Added additional built-in CSS selector exclusion for WP Armour.
* Added a string check to login URL filter function to prevent a possible PHP error.
* Fixed an issue where new user email requests were not being allowed through the redirect block when using a custom login URL.
* Minor adjustment to CDN rewrite regex to fix an issue that was happening when the home URL was different from the site URL.
* Removed Ezoic quick exclusion and moved to built-in deferral and delay exclusions.
* Updated our staging site license key exception list with additional formats.
* Translation updates.
= 2.3.8 - 01.07.2025 =
* Added a REST API exception for SureForms.
* Added a UI button to cancel the current database optimization process.
* Added built-in delay JS exclusion for document.write for compatibility.
* Updated background processing library to the latest version (1.4.0).
* Fixed an issue where some deliberate redirect requests were not being allowed to access the hidden login URL.
* Fixed an issue where the database optimization process was not starting correctly in some cases.
* Fixed a missing anchor link pointing to the license tab in our plugin settings UI.
= 2.3.7 - 01.01.2025 =
* Added additional CSS background image inline styles to account for backgrounds set on pseudo-elements of children inside the targeted container.
* Added WP Rocket filter to disable their critical image optimization when preload critical images is active to prevent conflicts.
* Added new Delay JS quick exclusion for Ezoic.
* Added built-in minify JS exclusion for WP Recipe Maker.
* Updated network default function to preserve the CDN URL if already set on the target subsite.
* Updated admin bar menu items to show clear all used CSS on the front end.
* Updated minify exclusion functions to check the entire attribute string of the script or stylesheet instead of just the source URL.
* Updated CSS parsing library to the latest version (8.7.0). Improves support for PHP 8.4.
* Updated login URL feature with additional check to prevent access to the hidden login slug via an authentication request redirected from a query string.
* Updated buffer class to prevent running on Bricks template URLs.
* Fixed an issue where the Used CSS file was sometimes getting falsely flagged as completely unused on certain speed tests.
* Removed unnecessary documentWrite handling function from delay JS inline script to reduce the size by over 8%.
* Removed older changelog entries in readme.txt file and added link to web version.
= 2.3.6 - 11.21.2024 =
* Fixed an issue where Delay JS wasn't running correctly in some cases.
= 2.3.4 - 10.10.2024 =
* Added new perfmatters_lazy_elements filter.
* Added new perfmatters_is_woocommerce filter.
* Added additional built-in stylesheet and selector exclusions for better compatibility with Elementor animations.
* Added WP Rocket filter to disable lazy render when lazy elements feature is active to prevent conflicts.
* Added additional parameter to excluded page builders array for tagDiv Composer.
* Added built-in delay JS exclusion for lazy elements inline script.
* Moved plugin settings logo SVG back to inline to prevent file_get_contents errors in certain environments.
* Adjusted built-in CSS dynamic selector exclusions to fix some minor visual issues with a few page builders.
* Fixed a JavaScript error that would sometimes show up in the console when using Delay JS with click delay enabled.
* Fixed an issue where a used stylesheet path would still attempt to load even if no used styles had been picked up for the URL.
* Fixed an issue where browser-specific stylesheets inside HTML comments were getting parsed by our used CSS library.
* Fixed a MU Mode issue where exceptions would not be applied correctly if a query string was present on the home URL if set to show the latest posts.
* Fixed an issue where preloading a JS file by the handle was not loading the minified version when necessary.
= 2.3.3 - 08.28.2024 =
* Added new lazy loading advanced beta options to manage Lazy Elements which will allow for element chains in the DOM to be lazy loaded until they enter the viewport.
* Separated out built-in CSS selector exclusions by URL type for increased performance on single and front pages.
* Optimized plugin logo and other SVG image files.
* Added fetchpriority high attribute automatically on critically preloaded image links.
* Added support for delaying script modules.
* Added additional jQuery sticky JavaScript file to Elementor quick exclusion.
* Added new Delay JS quick exclusions for Fluent Forms and Fluent Forms Pro.
* Integrated get_atts_array utility function into lazyload class to prevent redundancy.
* Fixed an issue where smaller size files were sometimes not being replaced with the minified version for increased performance.
* Fixed an issue where the preload location label was overlapping the input field for certain languages.
* Made adjustments to option management to prevent autoloading of certain options going forward where it is not needed.
* Removed various manual preload types that are no longer supported by most major browsers.
= 2.3.2 - 07.30.2024 =
* Updated CSS parsing library to the latest version (8.6.0) which should help with correctly parsing mathematical operations inside CSS property values.
* Added additional parameter to excluded page builders array for GenerateBlocks and TranslatePress.
* Added additional built-in deferral exclusion for jqueryParams inline script.
* Added Delay JS quick exclusion for the Kadence menu.
* Fixed a MU Mode issue where home page exceptions would not be applied correctly if a query string was present in the requested URL.
* Fixed an undefined array key warning coming from the minify class.
* Fixed a minify error that would show up when a prospective file did not have any content.
* Fixed an issue where having Remove Unused CSS turned on with no stylesheets loading would return a blank screen.
* Fixed a CSS error that would show up when trying to determine the current page ID when the queried post was null.
* Fixed an issue where the CSS class would attempt to retrieve the contents of a stylesheet even if it didn't exist.
* Fixed an issue where minified files would not get picked up by the CDN rewriter.
* Removed unnecessary minify library .git directories from the plugin.
* Minor style adjustments to the plugin UI.
* Updated our staging site license key exception list with additional formats.
* Translation updates.
= 2.3.1 - 06.27.2024 =
* Added new Minify JS and Minify CSS features along with options to exclude specific files from minification and clear generated minified files when necessary.
* UI Updates: What was previously the Assets tab has now been replaced by three more specific tabs, JavaScript, CSS, and Code. The main Script Manager toggle has been moved to Tools. Additional subheaders have also been added throughout to help with organization.
* Added new perfmatters_minify_js filter.
* Added new perfmatters_minify_js_exclusions filter.
* Added new perfmatters_minify_css filter.
* Added new perfmatters_minify_css_exclusions filter.
* Added a REST API exception for Independent Analytics.
* Added additional request parameter for Divi to excluded page builders array.
* Added built-in critical image exclusion for WPML flag images.
* Added Delay JS quick exclusion for Grow for WordPress.
* Updated used CSS function to generate a separate file for each post type archive instead of a single shared stylesheet.
* Fixed an issue that was causing an incorrect root directory to be returned for some environments.
* Fixed an issue with preload and lazyload parent exclusion filters that was preventing them from excluding images correctly in some cases.
* Translation updates.