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Payment Gateway - 2Checkout for WooCommerce - Pro

Payment Gateway - 2Checkout for WooCommerce - Pro 2.0.7 NULLED


Payment Gateway PRO NULLED – 2Checkout for WooCommerce is incredible online payment gateway allows to accept payment on WooCommerce powered store from PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, American Express, Diners, JCB, PIN debit cards with the Visa or MasterCard logo, Debit cards with the Visa or MasterCard log.

2Checkout is an incredible, seamless, reliable and secured payment gateway to accept payment online and allows mobile payment from buyers worldwide with localized payment options. The payment method includes PCI compliance, merchant account, international fraud prevention, pre-integrated payments gateway and integration with more than 100 shopping carts.

2Checkout support 200+ markets through 8 payment method, 87 currencies, 15 languages and trusted by 50k+ merchants worldwide.

Withdrawing funds is easy in 2Checkout. You can get paid many of currencies and plenty of methods including Electronic Funds Transfer that goes directly to your bank accounts, international Wire Transfer, or a 2Checkout branded Payoneer MasterCard.

Payment info on WordPress Dashboard​

To know the 2Checkout account balance report, it requires to login to the 2Checkout website. With Payment Gateway – 2Checkout for WooComerce plugin, it’s possible to show total earing, 2Checkout processing paid fees, Retaining to rolling reserve balance, total chargeback fees, other Tax/VAT related data on WordPress Dashboard
2.0.7 NULLEDVersion
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
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