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Invision Community Ortem 4.7.8

License Information
Compatibility 4.7
Ortem is a minimalistic design focused around a simple color picker, allowing your members to easily customize the colors of the layout by selecting from a preset array. The header area is large enough to accommodate for big logos and full width banners, and the navigation bar sticks to the top of the screen for easy access.


Theme Settings
Easily enable, disable or modify theme features such as background images, logos, social media links, guest messages and colors. This makes modifications and upgrades very simple since little code changes are required.


Color Scheme Editor
Your members can choose two colors to create their own color scheme from a predefined selection. This feature can be disabled easily if required.


Fixed navigation bar
Once scrolled, your navigation bar slides over your top header and sticks to the top of the page for easy access.


Background picker (if enabled)
Your members can choose their own background image (or color) from a predefined selection and their choice is saved via cookies. This feature can be configured or disabled within the theme settings.


Background settings
Restrict the background picker to certain groups such as registered members or VIP's. Or remove the picker entirely from mobiles to save bandwidth on the go. All within the settings!

And more...

What's New in Version 4.7.8 See changelog

Released March 14
  • Upgraded for Invision Community 4.7.8
  • Fixed the “expanded view” layout in Question forums.
  • Fixed size of thumbnails in “Image Comments” widget.
  • The filter menu in the search form now works on mobiles.
  • Added new social icons for Mastodon and Telegram.
  • Reactions will now wrap to a new line if there are too many to fit in the browser window.
  • The captcha on the New Topic page is now positioned correctly in Edge.
  • The “Jump to page” dropdown menu now correctly sits on top of other elements.
  • Like
Reactions: mels and raz0r
  • Version 4.7.8
  • Downloads 31
  • Views 674
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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Ortem is a minimalistic design focused around a simple color picker and a large, static header.
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings