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Orders Export PRO (Excel, CSV, XML, PDF)

PrestaShop Orders Export PRO (Excel, CSV, XML, PDF) 5.7.4

Smart Presta

Easily export your orders with details to Excel, CSV, XML & PDF files. Benefit from the advanced filters. You can automate the process by CRON and receive the export file by email, or FTP to URL/folder/path.

This is a very customizable module to export your orders Excel, CSV, XML and PDF formats. Thanks to this module you will be able to have a report for any period of time, view your sales, payment methods, most purchased products, carriers, addresses, shops in which orders have been placed. The advanced filters allow you to get the exact orders you need. Your work will get easier if you want to know everything about your sales. You will be able to get all the data about your sales with one click.

This module has very rich features. It helps you to export your orders into Excel, CSV, XML & PDF files. So you can have a report for a period of time.
  • You can select type of the document to export (i.e. Excel, CSV, XML & PDF).
  • Export your data in any language installed on your back office.
  • Sort your data by any column defined for the export file.
  • Customize date & time format, decimal separator and round fractional part to a number of digits.
  • Filter your orders by date, customer, order state, payment type, carrier, product manufacturer, supplier, currency and shop.
  • Get data about order, products (also their images and images of their attributes), payments, customers, carriers, addresses, product manufacturer, supplier, shops related to that order.
  • Save your configuration, so you will not need to re-configure export settings for future exports.
  • Receive an email with an attachment, or file in FTP which shows you the order details when a new order is placed.
  • Set a CRON job. Receive an email with an attachment or file in FTP regularly which will contain the orders by simply setting CRON job.
  • Possibility to export only not exported orders.
  • Send the order details to FTP when a new order is placed.
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Reactions: edgars221289
  • Version 5.7.4
  • Downloads 49
  • Views 587
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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