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Order Restrictions for WooCommerce

Order Restrictions for WooCommerce 3.3.0


Place purchase restrictions based on current order total, product & order quantity, payment gateways, previous purchase history & more.

Increase Your Control Over Orders​

Order Restrictions for WooCommerce allows you to place the following restrictions on orders placed in your shop.

Current Order Totals​

You can configure the restriction based on the minimum and maximum order amount during the order placement on your site.

Previously Purchased Order Total​

You can configure the restriction based on previously purchased minimum and maximum order amount during the order placement on your site.

Previously Purchase Order Count​

You can configure the restriction based on previously purchased minimum and maximum number of order count during the order placement on your site.

Minimum and Maximum Quantity​

You can configure the minimum product quantity and the maximum product quantity purchased from your site.

Payment Gateway​

You can configure the minimum and maximum order total amount to make payment through each payment gateway on your site.

Product Purchase Restriction​

You can configure the minimum and maximum number of purchases of a Product on your site.

Store-wise Restriction​

You can restrict the purchase in the store based on the minimum and maximum order amount received as well as minimum and maximum number of orders placed on your store.


1. Increase the average order value​

By placing restrictions such as minimum order value and minimum quantity to be purchased, you can increase the average order value of all the orders placed on your site.

2. Reduce unwanted fees​

By setting a minimum order value for specific payment gateways, you can prevent your users from using specific payment gateways if their order value is below the specified threshold. You can help reduce fees paid to payment processors.

How does it work?​

Current Order Total Restriction​

You can configure the restriction based on the minimum and maximum order amount during order placement on your site.

If you only want to accept orders above $50 on your site, using order total restriction it is possible.

Previously Purchase Order Total​

You can configure the restriction based on previously purchased minimum and maximum order amount during the order placement on your site.

If you only want to accept orders from the customer whose purchased order total is less than $1000 on your site, using Purchased Total restriction it is possible.

Minimum and Maximum Quantity Restriction​

You can configure the minimum product quantity and the maximum product quantity purchased from your site.

You can configure the quantity restrictions for the following options,
  • For all products using Global Level configuration
  • For respective product using product level configuration
  • For respective category using each category level configuration
    • You can apply this restriction for each product’s quantity/total quantity of the products from the respective category based on your needs.
  • For entire order using order quantity restrictions.
i) If you want your users to purchase a minimum of five (5) quantities of each product on your site, using Min/Max quantity restriction makes it possible.
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
  • Version 3.3.0
  • Downloads 14
  • Views 149
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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