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Change Log
20 November 2024 (v. 2024 -04)

- Added: Chat functionality for sellers.
- Added: Extra booking address data.
- Added: Enable/disable shop and product reviews.
- Added: Ability to select separate start times for each booking.
- Added: Document submission for seller verification on the "Become a Seller" page.
- Added: Payfast payment gateway.
- Added: Time format options (12-hour and 24-hour).
- Fixed: Service card background image style issue.
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
- Added: Product enable/disable option in general settings.
- Added: Ability to select separate start times for each booking.
- Added: Option to change shops in the deliveryman edit page.
- Added: Time format settings (12-hour AM/PM and 24-hour).
- Added: Deliveryman story images in general settings.
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
Customer App
- Added: Search functionality for services.
- Added: Delivery tips.
- Added: Document submission for seller verification on the "Become a Seller" page.
- Added: Time format options (12-hour and 24-hour).
- Improved: Master selection process for bookings.
- Updated: Dependencies.
- Upgraded: Flutter version to 3.24.5.
- Updated: Facebook SDK to version 17 and above.
- Compatibility: Now supports iOS 18.
- Fixed: Shop sharing issues.
- Fixed: Calendar time display issues.
- Fixed: Minor bugs.