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OmniMart - eCommerce CMS | Laravel eCommerce script

OmniMart - eCommerce CMS | Laravel eCommerce script 6.0 NULLED

v6.0 (3 March 2025)
1) One-Page Checkout: Admin can now switch between one-page or multi-page checkout.
2) Drag & Drop Menu Builder: A new intuitive menu builder for easier navigation management.
3) Email OTP Verification: Added OTP verification during user registration for enhanced security.
4) PayTabs Payment Gateway: Integrated PayTabs as a new payment option.
5) Buy Now Button Enhancement: Clicking "Buy Now" will now directly redirect users to the checkout page.
6) PayStack Currency Support: All available currencies for PayStack are now supported.
7) File/Image Upload: Now utilizing Laravel Storage for better file management.
8) Header Category Dropdown: Option to enable/disable category dropdown in the header.
9) Work-Time Selection Update: Improved work-time selection options.
10) 404 Page UI Update: Redesigned for a better user experience.
11) User Product Rating Fix: Resolved issues related to user product ratings.
12) Coupon Bug Fixes: Addressed various coupon-related bugs.
13) Automated Email Scheduling: Added a cron job for automated mail sending.
v5.0 (18 March 2024)

1. Improve product SEO.
2. Improve Blog SEO.
3. Added Multiple Shipping options on the product checkout page.
4. Update payment page UI.
5. Fixed price round issue in CSV export.
6. Fixed stock-out product add-to-card and checkout issues.
7. Fixed sitemap issue.
8. Fixed database backup issue.
9. Fixed order email order number issue.
10. Fixed some CSS.
11. Fixed some small bugs.
12. Update documentation added video tutorials in the documentation.