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= 3.7.6 | February 16th, 2023 =
* Updated License Manager to v1.11.6
Fixed: Soon to expire licenses would block the ability to install updates.
* Improved: prevent unnecessary writes to the DB when Process Local Stylesheets and/or Force Font-Display is enabled.
* Improved: remove query parameters from URLs stored in the `omgf_pro_processed_local_stylesheets` row to prevent unnecessary duplicates.
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Reactions: MarkDragon
= 3.7.0 - Codename: Einstein | October 9th, 2022 =
* Added: Auto Config Adv. Processing feature in the Task Manager.
* Fixed: Fallback Font Stacks and Font Display Attributes weren't added to inline style blocks.
* Fixed: When the same font-family was declared in different ways in the same style block the Replace option would fail.
* Fixed: @import url() without quotes weren't detected.
* Fixed: @import statements referring to the Variable Fonts API (CSS2) weren't fully detected, due to the ";" in the middle of the string.
* Fixed: When replacing or appending Fallback Font Stacks, font-family statements immediately followed by a "}" weren't detected.