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Filtering by:
- price (including promotions, discounts, option prices, and taxes);
- manufacturers;
- stock availability (both by quantity and by stock_status_id);
- new arrivals (with the ability to specify a time attribute);
- presence of discounts and promotions on products;
- weight and dimensions of the product as specified in the product card;
- attributes with the ability to specify up to three separators (multi-attributes)*;
- product options*;
- standard OpenCart filters*.
- *requires copying them in the module settings.

The module can be displayed on the following pages:
- category;
- manufacturer products;
- promotions;
- product search (+ works well with Search System with Morphology and Relevance PRO 4.0);
- any other page with its own filters.

SEO Landing Page Support:
- bulk addition of pages based on selected criteria and substitution template;
- bulk editing;
- creation of dynamic pages;
- displaying links to pages in categories, module, products (characteristics), sitemap.

The module supports multi-language stores.

The module is translated into the following languages:
- Russian;
- Ukrainian;
- English.

Mobile Version and Appearance:
- instant switching (without reloading) between full and mobile versions;
- ability to specify arbitrary screen width at which the full version switches to mobile;
- mobile version can be positioned on the left or right;
- module block supports gestures and closing by clicking on an empty area outside the module;
- adapted for horizontal layout appearance;
- supports two themes: "light" and "light block".

Other Features:
- Works with a large number of products (100k+) and filters;
- Does not replace your store's files, OCmod with minimal code insertions;
- Ability to hide inactive (with zero product quantity) filter values;
- Ability to use sliders for any numerical filters;
- Ability to limit the display of filters and values, hiding extra ones under a collapse button;
- Ability to load hidden filters and values in the background (AJAX) without increasing the number of DOM elements (positive impact on PageSpeed);
- Module code is not encrypted and does not require decoders, not tied to a specific PHP version or server.
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  • Version 4.8.2
  • Downloads 13
  • Views 128
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  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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