- Developer
- Nicolai Palmkvist
Live Demo Website
My goal with this template was to build a lightweight, GSAP Scroll Triggered website using only Elementor Page Builder—completely free from third-party plugins or theme dependencies.
Here’s what you’ll get:
- Lifetime access to my Northbound Elementor template that’s easy to customize (5 pages in total)
- Get all the components I use to create beautiful Elementor websites in my own web design business!
- Website packed with GSAP and ScrollTrigger animations that will make you stand out.
- Save time and you focus on the bigger picture of your projects
Get all the templates I use to create beautiful Elementor websites for my business!
Set-up in 3 minutes
Video Installation Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4S6nvaX5to
Get all the templates I use to create beautiful Elementor websites for my business!