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Nokri - Job Board WordPress Theme

Nokri - Job Board WordPress Theme 1.6.3

Updates: v 1.6.3 —- February 25th, 2025
1. Improve security.
2. Fixed some styling issues.

1. Updated all theme plugins.
Updates: v 1.6.0 —- January 3rd, 2025

1. Fixed Job Apply without Login Issue.
2. Fixed Resriction on Candidate Page Issue.
3. Fixed External Job Apply.
4. Fixed Category Template Issue.
5. Fixed RTL Email Template Issues.
6. Fixed All styling issues.
7. Fixed custom fields issue in candidate profile. (Fields not updating in resume Generate)
8. Fixed security issues, suggested by Wordfence.

1. Invite Candiate for Jobs.
2. Footer Competible with Custom Header & Footer Plugin.

1. Updated Bootstrap version.
2. Updated All theme plugins.
3. Updated outdated WooCommerce versions.
Updates: v 1.5.6 —- November 24th, 2023
1- Updated compatibility with WooCommerce version 8.2.2
2- Updated compatibility with WPBakery version 7.2
3- All other plugins updated
4- Added the latest Elementor compatibility


1- Portfolio video display issue on the profile page.
2- Fixed resume download view.
3- Fixed Nokri Elementor Update notice issue.
4- Search page view on the mobile view.
Updates: v 1.5.4 —- August 30th, 2023
1- Updated WordPress version 6.3
2- Updated compatibility with Elementor version 3.15.2
3- Updated compatibility with WooCommerce version 8.0.1
4- Updated compatibility with WPBakery version 7.0

1- Applying for the job without login shows the wrong error message instead of please login first.
2- Displayed call to action shortcodes button.
3- The submit button issue is fixed on the Contact Us page.
4- Apply with LinkedIn, with and without login issue fixed.
5- When selecting a package from the pricing page, the issue of no redirection to the cart page is fixed.
6- The admin top bar option works opposite (Turning on Hide, the top bar turns off Show, the top bar) issue is fixed.
7- While posting a job, the tag separated with a coma not working issue fixed.
8- Search for remote job opportunities using the new "Remote Job" widget added to the search page sidebar.

1- Add a separate work remotely widget.
Updates: v 1.5.2 —- November 15th, 2022
1- Compatibility with WordPress 6.1
2-Added Admin can show/hide premium jobs in regular jobs with one of the job search settings.
3 - Added Job Expiry Email Switch to on/off in theme options.
4 - Added Email template When an Employer creates Team Account Member an Email will be sent to the newly added user's mail address with login credentials.
5 - Now Map can be hidden from the job details page from theme options in the job detail page.
6 - While job posting change -1 to unlimited job if a user has unlimited jobs in their package.
7 - Admin can set Email Template settings for employers' account members with on/off from Theme Options.
8 - Added Job Deadline on Job search page list style.
9 - Redux update version to 4.3.20.
1- Empty Jooble Api key Issue fixed on Jobs Search Page.
2- Facebook Footer Icon and address not showing on the frontend issue resolved.
3- Adzuna API ID Issue was resolved on the Regular jobs search page.
4- The elementor Deprecation warnings issue was fixed after the Elementor Plugin Update.
5- Redux deprecation warnings issue was resolved after updating of Plugin.
6- Jooble Jobs API not showing jobs issue resolved.
7- Wp Bakery 6.10.0 version's compatibility.
8- Candidate settings in dashboard selected values not working issue resolved on all candidate style detail pages.
9- Adzuna 3rd party Api jobs not showing Issue resolved.
10 - Careejet Api error on job Maps style issue fixed.
11 - After updating to WordPress 6.1 in pricing packages and creating and updating the existing values not working issue is resolved.
12 - In the Candidate dashboard remove all other save buttons only one button at the end to update the user data set.
13 - In the Candidate dashboard update profile Education section end date will not show the calendar issue fixed.
14 - Set limit of upload video is changed to the Size of a video in Theme Options and working perfectly.
15 - Mailchimp API key not showing in the theme options issue is fixed.
16 - Job Search page on mobile view while filter on from theme options +/- sign fixed.
17 - Assign job to other employers issue fix after WordPress update 6.1.
18 - While adding the job description in the ad post Text Editor not showing bullets issue was resolved.
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