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Update the Ncmaz-fse-core plugin to version 1.3.0.
Updated compatibility with WordPress 6.7 and the latest versions of plugins
Update patterns related to Icon Block plugin version 2.0
Add Video Ratio customization for Ncmaz Media Player block. Support vertical video display for short videos
Fix CSS video player overflow on mobile devices
Add custom sorting of posts by view_count, like_count, save_count descending. Use query string in archive, search pages,... for example: ...?orderby=most_like&order=desc ...?orderby=most_like&order=desc ...?orderby=most_like&order=desc
Add the playsinline=1 parameter to the URL and allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" of the video iframe player to remove the warning when viewing on mobile browsers
Update the Ncmaz-fse-core plugin to version 1.2.0.
Add the Post Media Play button block - A block that shows the play button for audio/video posts. Button will not appear if post is not audio/video or does not have url for media.
Add the Post Media Player block - Block to display a media player.
Add the Post video player block - Block to display video/iframe player for posts with the video format.
Add default theme mode type option in the Toggle Dark-mode button block.
Updated single templates to show a play button if the post is audio/video
Added Home page template 4, and some new post card patterns.
Update Post card 1, Post card 5, Post card 15 pattern to display the audio/video play button.
Add the Post Media Player block to the footer part. (Post Media Player block is required in Footer or Header for the player to work)
New: Added Draft post and Publish post option in the more dropdown in post card.
New: Add custom default single page style option in theme-options
New: Add option on theme-options to enable/disable the autoplay-video feature in single-type video
Requirements: When you update to this version, you need to update and activate the WP GraphQL plugin v1.13.5 and other required plugins: Appearance -> Install plugins -> Update/active required plugins