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Multi-Step Checkout Pro for WooCommerce

Multi-Step Checkout Pro for WooCommerce 2.39 NULLED

= 2.39 =
* 09/12/2024

* Tweak: adjust to the changes in the WooCommerce /templates/checkout/form-login.php file.
= 2.37 =
* 23/03/2024

* Fix: validate per step an already existing user with the same email
* Fix: validate required upload fields created with the Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce (Pro) plugin
* Fix: validate input fields with missing "id" attribute
* Fix: don't validate optional additional email address input fields
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Reactions: MarkDragon
= 2.36 =
* 12/12/2023

* Compatibility with the Huntor theme
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Reactions: MarkDragon
= 2.35 =
* 10/11/2023

* Fix: open the Login step when clicking the "Please log in" link in the "Account already registered" message
* Fix: validate the required select fields with no option selected
* Feature: option for placing the input fields from the "Date & Time Delivery" plugin in a separate step
* Dev: add the 'wmsc_script_footer' filter
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
= 2.33 =
* 05/22/2023

* Fix: missing "next/previous" button with the Elementor Pro checkout widget
* Fix: the Payment section was missing on the Blocksy theme, when the payment is in a separate step
* Fix: use the "default" checkout layout type from the Astra Addon Pro plugin
* Compatibility with the WooCommerce "Custom Order Tables" feature