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Multi Institute Management

Multi Institute Management 8.1 NULLED

Ver 8.1.0 (11-09-2024)
* Fixed:- Student fees from front-end.
* Fixed:- Signature css on id card.
* Fixed:- Institute logo size in settings.
* Fixed:- Fee type period monthly but display period one time in fee type table.
Ver 7.1 (18-09-2023)
- Form validation issue fixed.
- Exam result on admin panel fixed.
- Exam Result on shortcode fixed.
- Invoice issue fixed.
- Enrollment number on individual report fixed.
- Enrollment number in admisssion details and fee report on student panel fixed.
- Enrollment number in invoice dashboard fixed.
- Pending fee report issue fixed.e
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
Ver 6.7 (06-12-2022)
* PHP 8.1 Support Added
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Reactions: tatar221