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Multi Hospital - Hospital SaaS App + Mobile Applications PHP

Multi Hospital - Hospital SaaS App + Mobile Applications PHP 6.0 (9 March 2025)

26th March, 2024
1. ChatGPT AI Assistant for doctors in the case manager module.
2. Google ReCaptcha V3 integrated for the SaaS landing page forms.
3. New columns added to the insurance report.
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Reactions: Gaotu7
22th October, 2023
1. Decresed load time, the system is now faster.
2. Added toster for flash message.
3. Solved language issues.
4. Removed invoice format selection option. There will be no A4/A5 selection option. Only A4 will be available.
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Reactions: almusanifosama
29th October, 2022
1. Separate individual website for each hospital
2. Solved language issues dashboard charts.