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Modern POS - Point of Sale with Stock Management System

Modern POS - Point of Sale with Stock Management System 3.3 NULLED

License Information
Modern POS.jpg

Modern POS NULLED is built with core PHP, jQuery and Angular JS and Others modern technology. There are many attractive features that will help you to manage stock and sales of your shop easily.

Import the database dump
1 - For a new fresh installation use the file "database/new-install/modernpos.sql"
2 - For an update to the version 3.3 use the file "database/update/update-3.3.sql"

Edit file: config.php
1 - Change database credentials, where:
1.1 - Host is the database server name or ip
1.2 - db is the database name, example "modernpos"
1.3 - user is the database username, example "root"
1.4 - pass is the database password, example "123456"
1.5 - port is the database server port, by default it is 3306

2 - Change the constant FILEMANAGERURL
define('FILEMANAGERURL', 'http://full-install-url-of-modernpos/storage/products');

3 - If your URL schema is http://domain/subdirectory/, then change the constant SUBDIRECTORY. Otherwise skip this third step.
define('SUBDIRECTORY', '');
For example, my installation is http://www.mydomain.com/modernpos
I need to change the above constant into:
define('SUBDIRECTORY', 'modernpos');

Default accounts
Role         Username              Password
Admin         [email protected]          12345678
Cashier     [email protected]      12345678
Salesman     [email protected]      12345678

Works well on Php 7.4 , 8.1 gives loads of deprecation bugs
  • Version 3.3 NULLED
  • Downloads 231
  • Views 1,592
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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