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Modern Events Calendar + ADDONS – Responsive Event Scheduler & Booking For WordPress

Modern Events Calendar + ADDONS – Responsive Event Scheduler & Booking For WordPress 7.20.0 NULLED

v 7.0.0 – 20 August 2023
- Refactored: Settings menu
- Refactored: Add / Edit event menu in backend
- Restructured: Event editor fields
- Updated: Documentation based on new settings
- Added: New placeholder to print all booking fixed fields
- Fixed: Issue in reset button of search form
- Fixed: Issue in multiple date bookings and payment with WooCommerce
- Fixed: Issue in search bar feature
- Fixed: Issue in event links in novel style of monthly skin
- Fixed: Issue in moving bookings to another occurrence
v 6.11.5 – 1 August 2023
- Added: Ability to cancel and refund bookings from Event Editor.
- Improved: TEC importer.
- Improved: Event banner feature.
- Improved: Integration for event excerpt with some multilingual plugins.
- Improved: UX of fee module and fixed some issues.
- Fixed: Some integration issues related to Elementor plugin.
- Fixed: Some issues in search module.
- Fixed: Issues related to WooCommerce
- Fixed: Some minor issues
v 6.11.0 – 20 July 2023
- Added: Subscribe to Calendar feature
- Improved: Event banner feature
- Improved: Related events
- Fixed: Import recurring events from TEC plugin
- Fixed: Issue in filtering events in full calendar when descending order is enabled for list and grid
- Fixed: Two issues in lite version regarding displaying credit message and load more button in backend
- Fixed: Issue in RSS feed regarding event featured image
- Fixed: Issue in FAQ module in modal method
- Fixed: Issue in multiple date bookings
- Fixed: Issue regarding security captcha in modal windows
- Fixed: Issue in sending event date & times to Google calendar and including in ical
- Fixed: Issue in getting UTC offset
- Fixed: MEC Profile responsive issue
- Fixed: Timetable - Clean skin responsive issue
- Fixed: Minor styling issues
v 6.10.1 – 1 June 2023
- Added: Ability to download the debug log file.
- Improved: The iCal feed.
- Improved: PayPal standard by adding invoice description.
- Fixed: Issue in map skin.
- Fixed: Issue in booking edit menu regarding displaying dates.
- Fixed: Issue in FAQ feature.
- Fixed: Some PHP issues.
- Fixed: Issue about the event cost feature in lite version.
- Fixed: Issue in displaying organizers in short-codes.
v 6.9.0 – 26 April 2023
- Added: SMS Integration with Twilio API.
- Added: Option to automatically trash expired events after certain amount of time.
- Added: Option to automatically remove expired events after certain amount of time.
- Added: Event location to the booking export files.
- Added: Ability to change the currency in translated events.
- Added: Ability to change the MEC messages per language.
- Improved: Security.
- Improved: Accessibility of search module.
- Improved: The single sidebar widget.
- Fixed: PHP notices.
- Fixed: Issues in MEC_profile shortcode.
- Fixed: Issues in exporting events to Google Calendar.
- Fixed: Issues in displaying search terms while displaying ongoing events.
- Fixed: Issue while using Divi theme.
- Fixed: Issue in displaying number of sold tickets in admin event manager page.
- Fixed: Issue in general calendar skin.

- Applied some minor improvements.
- Fixed an issue in “Use WooCommerce as Payment System”.
- Fixed some PHP 8 issues.
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Reactions: tatar221
v 6.8.25 – 15 March 2023
- Added: Sponsors to the default filter options of shortcode builder.
- Added: Option to display credit URL in shortcodes.
- Added: Ability to edit the custom dates.
- Added: Upcoming View to the event management of admin.
- Improved: Displaying event dates in booking module.
- Improved: Form validation in booking module.
- Fixed: Issue in scroll pagination method.
- Fixed: Integration issue with Paid Membership Pro plugin.
- Fixed: Issue in the popup mode of booking module.
- Fixed: Issue in back button of booking module.
- Fixed: Issue in search module regarding excluded terms.
- Fixed: Issue in displaying social links of additional organizers.
- Fixed: Some issues related to the PHP 8.1
- Fixed: Some minor issue in styling
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
v 6.8.5 – 26 December 2022
- Added: Checkboxes search method for category, location, organizer, label and speaker fields.
- Added: Filter for MEC email template.
- Added: Option to improve learn dash integration.
- Added: Option to enable/disable Other Locations feature in frontend event submission.
- Improved: The frontend event submission for excerpt field.
- Improved: The notification placeholders.
- Improved: The booking field mapping to the user fields.
- Fixed: Issue in displaying ongoing events when event or shortcode is set to display only one occurrence.
- Fixed: Issue in displaying total price after discount.
- Fixed: Issue in Use WooCommerce as Payment System gateway.
- Fixed: Issue in monthly skin and expired events.
- Fixed: Issue in popup method of displaying event details page.
- Fixed: Issue in email reminder.
- Fixed: Issue in loading shortcodes in popups using page builders plugins.
v 6.8.0 – 10 December 2022
- Added: Partial payment option. (Deposite System)
- Added: Option in list and grid skins to display the event cost.
- Fixed: Issue in displaying sold-out message when the total limit is zero.
- Fixed: Issue in sorting events.
- Fixed: Issue in loading events in Load More button.
- Fixed: Issue in general calendar skin in certain languages.
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Reactions: tatar221