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MegaLotto - Digital Lottery App Android

MegaLotto - Digital Lottery App Android 2.0 NULLED


MegaLotto NULLED - Digital Lottery Ticket application provides a digital platform supporting Raffler, where users can participate in assorted contests with awaiting big rewards.

How it works
Digital Raffler automatically start according to a schedule specified by an administrator. Each user can participate in the Raffler contest by purchasing Raffler tickets. A random ticket will be drawn at the end of the contest. The ticket owner will win the prize, which represents a prizepool (set by an administrator) of all purchased tickets value. All lottery Contest start automatically without human intervention.

Admin Panel Login:
Username: admin
password: admin

Administrator Can:
1. Set contest schedule
2. Set ticket price
3. Set prize pool
4. Create fake users and purchase no of fake tickets
5. Select top winners manually and rest automated

Bots integration:
A Raffler administrator can create fake users in system. On a specific ticket a random number of fake users will be selected. They will purchase a random number of tickets. The administrator can specify number of fake users wants to be purchased ticket during each cycle.

Payment Getway Integreted:
1. PayTm
2. PayUMoney
3. RazorPay
  • Version 2.0 NULLED
  • Downloads 100
  • Views 1,086
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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