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MasterStudy LMS PRO Plus

MasterStudy LMS PRO Plus 4.6.6 NULLED

## 4.6.6 - 2025-01-23
- **Enhancement:** Added a detailed information section and tables for Instructors and Students in the Memberships section of Analytics page.
- **Enhancement:** Enhancement: Updated Analytics Assignment queries for better performance and accuracy.
## 4.6.5 - 2025-01-16
- **Enhancement:** Added Course Views data on the Course Page in Analytics.
- **Enhancement:** Introduced default sorting for tables in Analytics for easier navigation.
- **Fix:** Resolved an issue where videos in Assignments wouldn’t play in Safari.
- **Fix:** Updated the grading logic in Student Assignments Review.
- **Fix:** Fixed an issue where duplicate attempts were marked as passed when pressing "Completed" in Assignments.
- **Fix:** Corrected missing translations on the Thank You page in WooCommerce Checkout.
## 4.5.1 - 2024-10-09
- **New:** Added new pages to User account in Reports and Analytics: Revenue, Engagement, Course, Reviews, Student.
- **Enhancement:** Added Global search fields for tables in Reports and Analytics.
- **Enhancement:** Added to Chart Preorders students who signed up for a course but did not purchase it.
- **Enhancement:** Added tables to track Student engagement by lessons in Reports and Analytics.
- **Enhancement:** Added navigation to Course Builder and Course Page in course tables in Reports and Analytics.
- **Enhancement:** Visual improvements for course data and charts on the page.
- **Fix:** Time Limit in Coming Soon courses shows more days than needed on the page.
- **Fix:** Lesson Type is not displayed for Google Meet lessons in Course Engagement.
## 4.4.23 - 2024-07-19
- **Fix:** Small bug fixes.
## 4.4.17 - 2024-06-18
- **Enhancements:** The client now remains on the same page if he/she logs in via the registration login popup or course player or signs up via social login.
- **Enhancements:** Added a tooltip for course categories when there are many categories in one course.
- **Enhancements:** Statuses (New, Hot, Special) are now displayed in Related and Popular Courses blocks.
- **Fix:** Fixed bugs in different Course page styles.
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Reactions: MarkDragon
## 4.3.7 - 2024-02-20
- **Enhancements**: Added the ability for students to save draft assignments.
- **Enhancements**: Audio/video question playback now stops when a user makes a second audio/video playback.
- **Enhancements**: Simplified the activation of the Question Media addon.
- **Fix**: The discounted course price is not displayed correctly in the Course Bundle.
- **Fix**: Single Course Co-Instructors undefined key avatar error is fixed.
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Reactions: MarkDragon
## 4.1.6 - 2023-11-16
- **FIXED**: Replaced links in the Edit button in Udemy Importer addon settings.
## 4.1.2 - 2023-10-16
- **FIXED**: Curriculum icons do not match the course builder icons.
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
## 4.0.12 - 2023-08-14
- **UPD**: When Modern Style is activated in the Udemy template, users have the option to customize additional fields
- **UPD**: Took measures to prevent conflicts in the Udemy template between data in the course builder and data with Udemy
- **FIXED**: Gradebook shows 0 for students in the course, percentage of completion of lessons, turning in assignments, exams, and so on