This is an Animated Typeface that can be used in several occasions like Title Designs, Intros, Greeting Cards, Lower Thirds or any other Text on Screen.
Unlike other Animated Typefaces, you don’t need to drag each letter on its own into the timeline, you can actually write your text in a textbox and let the included Script “EasyType” import all the necessary compositions with the click of a button. A videotutorial explains you how to work with the template and the script.
The White Paper Style Preset shown in the Preview is included!
- CS5 and above
- easy one-click solution with the included script
- no Plugins required
- easy controls
- Video tutorial included
- only Letters shown in Preview are included. Contact me if you are in need of some special characters, I might add them in the next update.
This project is based on the free font Permanent Marker