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Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WP

Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WP 4.1.10 NULLED

### Version 4.1.10 (2025-03-10)
- fixed: improve capabilities and permissions system
- updated Dependencies and Package Versions
- chore: update commit message guidelines
- updated: improve form block error handling
- updated: refactor homepage block edit and inspector controls
### Version 4.1.9 (2013-02-10)

- fixed: missing capability to delete campaigns in some case
- fixed: missing key in array function
- added: new capabilities `delete_private_newsletters`, `delete_published_newsletters`
- improved: alignment of elements in the automation inspector
- improved: use `ToggleGroupControl` on update custom field action for checkboxes
- package upgrades
### Version 4.1.8 (2025-01-07)
- fixed: bug when subscribe on multiple lists. 'wpdb->delete' may return 0 so do better checks
- removed redundant shortcode
- updated packages
Version 4.1.5 2024-11-11
  • improved: admin notices improvements
  • improved: show "0" values on subscriber details page instead of nothing
  • improved: convert license screen
  • improved: option to quickly remove filter from subscriber overview
  • added: {second} tag to display the current second
  • fixed: minor CSS issues
  • fixed: PHP Notice while Autoresponder converting
  • fixed: Trigger selector break blocks if connection is to slow
  • fixed: cache wasn't cleared for block forms in some cases
  • fixed: conditions with quotes are rendered incorrectly
  • fixed: form patterns were missing on saved block forms
  • fixed: race condition when a workflow is triggered on manual user update
  • fixed: searchmark causes error if applied on non strings
  • removed: legacy usage tracking
  • rewritten notice methods
  • updated Freemius SDK to 2.9.0
  • Like
Reactions: dgpalych
### Version 4.1.4 (2024-09-25)
- fixed: profile showed unsubscribe button
- fixed: workflow can be triggered multiple times in some instances
- improved: checks if Mailster methods are called before Mailster is initialized
- improved: Support for WooCommerce Add-on
### Version 4.1.3 (2024-09-16)
- fixed: automation schedule generated invalid query if empty arguments were passed
- fixed: missing translations
- fixed: respect `WPLANG` property when fetching translations
- fixed: typo on dashboard
- improved: allow updating from the dashboard if translations have been loaded already
- improved: hook based triggers now support multiple or all subscribers
### Version 4.1.2 (2024-08-09)

- fixed: PHP warning in automations class
- fixed: missing ID when block forms are used on the frontend
- fixed: missing campaign on email workflow
- fixed: some strings weren't translate-able improved: translations
- improved: form patterns are now translate-able
- added: link to Translator Program on dashboard
### Version 4.0.11 (2024-07-17)

- fixed: PHP error "attempt to assign a property to an array"
- fixed: styling issues on Automations with WP 6.6
- fixed: missing Canvas tools on WP 6.6
- fixed: workflow steps with delay didn't calculated the timezone correctly.
  • Like
Reactions: dgpalych
### Version 4.0.9 (2024-05-14)

- fixed: line height on form selector input field
- fixed: PHP Warning: preg_replace(): Compilation failed with certain shortcodes.
- fixed: PHP deprecated notice
- fixed: admin header was visible on the newsletter homepage
- fixed: deeplink of steps works again
- fixed: dynamic properties are deprecated
- fixed: fatal error on tags triggers if no tag has been set
- fixed: logos were not applied to some templates
- fixed: translation wasn't loaded before the setup wizard
- improved: bounce performances