• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked! For more information about rules, limits, and more, visit the Help page.
    Found a dead link? Use the report button!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.


NEW Custom AI Writer Categories Create, Update, Delete menu added.

NEW Implemented free credits upon registration. This feature can be found in the general settings.

NEW Added custom code options for both frontend and dashboard.

NEW Regenerated language files to address issues related to search and creating new strings.

NEW AI Writer now can generate up to 2000 words.

TWEAK AI Chat Responses are Improved

TWEAK Refined the social login buttons.

TWEAK Made minor bug fixes and improvements in various areas.

FIX Fixed when used special characters on frontend strings it shows keyboard code.

FIX Fixed when user sends email for affiliation button stuck.

FIX Resolved the issue with custom templates filter selections.

FIX Fixed the problem where custom template filters were not appearing.

FIX Corrected the display of templates on the homepage based on active/passive states.

FIX Fixed the issue where the site menu was not being translated.

FIX Resolved the user deletion issue.

FIX Fixed the 404 error when clicking the logo on the documents page.

FIX The issue causing the Stripe 500 error after the payment has been resolved.
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Reactions: panocode


FIX Minor Fixes


NEW Meta Keywords Option - Introduced a new feature that allows users to specify meta keywords for improved search engine optimization.

NEW Custom Pages - Added the ability for users to create custom pages, enabling them to tailor their website content according to their specific requirements.

NEW Low Specs Option for Shared Hosting - Implemented a low-specification option for shared hosting plans, catering to users with limited resource requirements.

FIX Localize Strings - Resolved an issue where certain strings within the application were not properly localized, ensuring consistent language support across different regions.

FIX Changelog Styling - Fixed the styling of the changelog section, improving its visual presentation and readability.

FIX Safari Styling Issues - Addressed styling issues specifically affecting the Safari browser, ensuring a consistent and optimal user experience across different web browsers.

FIX Removed Navbar Expand - Corrected a functionality issue where the navigation bar would expand unnecessarily, providing a more streamlined and user-friendly interface.

FIX Disabled Features Showing in Floating Add New - Resolved an issue where disabled features were still visible in the floating "Add New" menu, ensuring that only active and relevant options are displayed.

FIX Activation URL - Fixed a problem with the activation URL, ensuring that it functions correctly and allows users to activate their accounts without any issues.

FIX Documents Border Width - Adjusted the border width of documents, improving their visual appearance and ensuring consistent styling throughout the application.
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Reactions: discordu790

v1.3.0 - June 2, 2023​

  • Added a new installer for easier software setupNEW
  • Added more frontend options for enhanced customization.NEW
  • Increased logo options for greater branding flexibility.NEW
  • Implemented a password change option in profile settings for improved security.NEW
  • Added support for GPT-4 (available to beta key owners).NEW
  • Added support for multiple OpenAI API keys, which will be used randomly.NEW
  • Improved styles for a better user experience.TWEAK
  • Improved the mobile bottom menu for better navigationTWEAK
  • Improved the auto updater functionalityTWEAK
  • Fixed an issue with the YouTube title generator prompt.FIX
  • Made substantial improvements to the prompts for improved AI responses.FIX
  • Fixed issues where AI chat and other writers' responses were not functioning correctly.FIX
  • Resolved linking problems in the mobile bottom menuFIX
  • Fixed issue where the selected AI model in subscription did not affect generations.FIX
  • Fixed HTTP 500 errors.
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