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Lucky Wheel 12 - HTML5 Game

Lucky Wheel 12 - HTML5 Game 2.0.3

Lucky Wheel 12 - HTML5 Game.jpg

Lucky Wheel 12 is a small HTML5 game where you spin the wheel to win the reward.

The zip package contains the admin config page allow you to customize your wheel with many options as: graphic, background, total slices and your brand logo.

1) Full backend / frontend solution: (Not in this package)

Demo site: https://iomgame.com/luckywheelsystemv3/ (gafami / 123456) (New Generation with leaderboard and manage player login)
Demo site: https://iomgame.com/luckywheelsystem/ (gafami / 123456) (Stable legacy system with none login required for player)

2) How to config:

After purchasing the package => Extract the zip package and please open “index.html” file in the folder “Documentation” to see the installation guide.

Beside it, you also access and watch video “Quick Star” guide from here:

3) How to play:

Just tap the icon “Skynet” or your brand own logo => The wheel will rotate and stop at random reward.

4) Features:

+ Wheel customizes: total slices, background, brand logo, reward value, graphic shadow.

+ Responsive design well on mobile, tablet and desktop.

+ High resolution support (1366×768).

+ Very fast render in almost modern browsers, WebView.

+ Can run and play directly inside almost app chat as: Samsung line, Skype, Whatapp, Facebook messenger, Facebook webview, Zalo.

+ Minimum JavaScript library: No jQuery, just native script and only one SVG library.

+ Make with SVG.js

+ Support spin from both ways: client side or server side.

5) FAQs:

5.1) How to spin from server side?

In the wheel.html

// Spin from server side const rewardIndex = 8; spin(function(data) {

}, rewardIndex);

// Spin from client side spin(function(data) {


For full example script including call API please go to this link => https://iomgame.com/testscript/spinWithServer.js

5.2) How to hide burger menu and redeem menu?

In the wheel.html => Just add class “hide” to that html component


<!-- BURGER MENU -->
<div class="burger-menu hide">
<span class="active" />
<span class="active" />
<span class="active" />
<div class="counter">...</div>

5.3) How to apply my background image?
In the admin page choose “Your background” in Wallpaper config.

In the export folder copy your background image to folder img/ => And then rename it to custom-bg.png

5.4) How to enable email sending in Gmail?

Please visit this link: https://pepipost.com/tutorials/send-an-email-via-gmail-smtp-server-using-php/

=> And follow step 1 -> step 4

5.5) How to change default spin sound to your own sound?

=> Just copy your sound with the same file name and replace it at this path “media/spinSound.mp3”

5.6) How to change reward image?

=> After you export the wheel please go to folder “img/” you will see a list of reward image names as “reward 0.png. rewards1.png etc..”, just replace it with your expected image.
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