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List Block for 66biolinks

List Block for 66biolinks 1.0.0

No permission to buy ($5.00)

List Block plugin is designed to provide you with a new list block for 66biolinks

Demo: https://66biolinks.tapme.site/list

For a live demo, register on the website https://66biolinks.tapme.site

This installation process should take no more than 1 minutes if followed and done correctly.

1. Backup
Before starting the add-on process, you need to create a backup to make sure that if something goes wrong, you can always restore the previous version.

Backup your database
Backup your files

2. Files update

Download and unpack this archive.
Download and unpack the archive received after purchase.
Go to the product folder, copy and upload all files and folders to your server where you have the product installed.

Go to the administrative part of your 66biolinks in the “Plans” section, and activate the new block in the plan. For example, if I want a new block to appear in the free plan, then I go to the plans section (for example, https://example.com/admin/plan-update/free ) and activate this block, then click on the “Update and update plan subscribers as well” button (how activate). Now your users can use the new block on their pages.

Attention! If you use third-party addons (except AltumCode and us), then after adding our addon, we are not responsible for the performance of third-party code.
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