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1.3.5 - 2023-1-21 The Highlight of the update - Bugs Fixing, New Feature, User Suggested Improvements
Resolved: Default assigned packages to a newly registered users aren’t showing up if the products limit field is left empty
Product submit form
Improved: Validation for the price in put fields
Improved: Cleared out unnecessary field descriptions and improved the needed ones to have better grammar and be more specific in a message they convey.
Improved: Renamed “Payments” step to “Promotions” as per users suggestion
Product single page
Fixed: Expired similar listings were being showed but not accessible
Improvement: Changed “Sold out!” label to “SOLD” as per user suggestion
Improvements: Newly registered users will automatically be subscribed to all email notifications. For the old installations the change has to be done manually from Lisfinity Options → Email Setup
v1.3.4 - 2022-11-10
The Highlight of the update - Bugs Fixing and Overall Improvements and many more... Global
Fixed: A small issue with the php 8.1 notice
Fixed: User phones not working if the website is not set in their my account
Fixed: WP Admin configuration notice after demo import is completed
Resolved: PHP8 deprecated warnings
Listing Submission
Improved: Resolved and improved free promotions calculation at the end of the listing submission process when being submitted as a part of the subscription package
Improved: Styling when the auction reserve price field is enabled
Improved: Moved “Sell on site” button below fields when auction pricing type has been chosen
Listing Page
Fixed: Black screen when clicking on the image if it has been uploaded through default upload field