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Linkilo 1.3.1 NULLED


Linkilo NULLED | Best Internal Link Building & Link Auditing Tool​

For WordPress with Less Work​

Linkilo saves you time, energy, and thinking power. Providing link suggestions for both internal and external. Helped thousands of SEOs, and editors maximize the power of links.

Link Suggestions Tool:
Relevancy In Mind​

Manually inserting external or internal links can be time-consuming and inefficient.
That is why we wanted to provide you with our internal links checker, which saves you time while also hand-picking your relevant material.
By adding the right internal/external links, you make sure Google understands the following:
  • the relevancy of pages;
  • the relationship between these pages;
  • and the value of pages.

Link Audits & Reports:
Data driven results​

Our focus is to provide you with meaningful recommendations with data driven reports.
We’ll let you know if no internal links appear on this page. Consider adding some as appropriate.

Want to know how many links each article has or has been added to?

We provide you with the detailed report:
  • Incoming/outgoing report
  • External links vs. Internal links ratio
  • Anchor text link report
  • Orphan pages
  • Nofollow/follow
  • Linked Domains

Link Overview Analysis:
View exactly what links you have for each post​

Each post has a link overview and analysis to help you understand the different link types on your site to help you diagnose your SEO link health.
Have too many internal links and no external links? Are links not opening on a new tab? Quickly analyze and determine what you need to succeed for your site and user experience.

Anchor Text:
Audit just how frequently you used it​

Need to find out just how many times you have used the same anchor text on your site?
Are you diluting your rankings because you used it too many times?
Or not adding the anchor text throughout your site?
Our report will help you see the amount, where, and when you have added your anchor text/internal links to make better decisions and improve your rankings.

Cannibalization Report:
Rank for the right keywords​

Don’t use the same anchor text for two different pages! Whether you previously have done this in the past, we provide you a report, so you can avoid sending the wrong message to search engines.
Cannibalization is real, and you might rank well simply because you are pointing the same keywords to two different posts. Telling search engines to rank those two posts for that keyword.
Perform an audit and quickly remove any duplicate anchor text that can help you rank.

Auto Linking Tool:
Add internal or external links with a flash​

Automatically build links with our auto-linking tool.
To help build internal links and external links. You can add a specific keyword, and Linkilo will start suggesting links within seconds!
Create filters and review them before adding them, along with many other options.
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