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Leopard - WordPress Offload Media

Leopard - WordPress Offload Media 3.1.2 NULLED

*Version 3.1.2 (05 November, 2024)
- Update security vulnerability
- Fix Asset function on version 3
Version 3.0.0 (06 September, 2024)
- Update all vendors:
- aws-sdk-php: 3.320.7
- google cloud-core: v1.59.1
- google cloud-storage: v1.42.1
- minify: 1.3.73
- webp-convert: 2.9.3
- Fix website slowdown issues for large websites with millions of records.
- Fix performance issues with BuddyBoss.
- Fix Duplicate Queries issue.
- Add feature (assets): Restrict File Types.
- Fix (webp): File name with extension issue.
- Add new Regions:
- DO:
- nyc1: NYC1 - New York City, United States
- lon1: London, United Kingdom
- tor1: Toronto, Canada
- blr1: Bangalore, India
- syd1: Sydney, Australia
- S3:
- ap-southeast-5: Asia Pacific (Malaysia)
- ap-southeast-4: Asia Pacific (Melbourne)
- ca-west-1: Canada West (Calgary)
- il-central-1: Israel (Tel Aviv)
Version 2.0.36 (06 February, 2024)
- Update the sync and unsync status filter on the media library page
- Fix error conflicted with the AffiliateWP Portal plugin
- Conflict with LearnDash LMS plugin Video Progression setting for lessons & topics
*Version 2.0.33 (13 March, 2023)
- Fix active license: No license activation is required for previously activated domains.
- Cloudflare R2: support WebP
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