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LEADman is the best GDPR compliant lead generator and contact manager for Joomla​

Generate sales and marketing leads from your DOCman documents, Joomla articles and your site's contact form. Find, sort and export your leads to ensure you never miss a lead again.

How can LEADman help you?​


Capture new business leads from your website's documents, articles and contact form, never miss an opportunity again


LEADman's opt-in lead forms, passwordless contact profile and trash manager mean that your site's lead generation will be fully GDPR compliant


Filter leads by name or company, by the type of lead you gathered, article, document or contact form and easily export them to use in other applications
  • Version 4.0.4
  • Downloads 29
  • Views 448
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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