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Knowband - Multi Vendor Marketplace

PrestaShop Knowband - Multi Vendor Marketplace 5.0.6


Convert your regular PrestaShop store into a Marketplace with the help of the PrestaShop Marketplace Builder Module. Multi-Vendor Marketplace module offers an easy-to-manage admin interface and friendly seller interface.

The Multi-Vendor Marketplace module is the right solution to convert your online store into a marketplace so that multiple sellers can list their products on your marketplace and in exchange you can charge a fixed percentage commission to the sellers or create membership plans based on multiple conditions. The top eCommerce stores like Amazon, eBay, Etsy are the best examples of the marketplace model.

The Multi-Vendor Marketplace module developed by Knowband provides full control to the store admin to manage the sellers, seller’s products, payment methods, review & testimonials, and customer feedback. Also, the mobile app compatibility of the PrestaShop marketplace module brings your store one step-closure to your potential buyers.

The Multi-Vendor Marketplace module allows the sellers to register as a seller on the marketplace. After successful registration, the sellers can access the seller interface to create their shop profile, list products, configure shipping methods, manage orders, customer reviews, etc. By converting the shop into a marketplace the admin can offer a wide range of products to the customers at competitive pricing. This will increase the traffic on the store and conversion as well.

Multivendor Marketplace module is helpful to grow sales and revenue.

Advantages for store admin
  • Convert online store into a marketplace
  • Separate registration form for the sellers
  • Charge commission based on - fixed commission or category-wise
  • Membership plans - Instead of commission, charge subscriptions fee (Monthly, quarterly, Half-yearly, Yearly) based on specific conditions
  • Automatic email notifications to manage the marketplace operation
  • Offer easy to use seller interface so that sellers can manage their shop with ease Automate the payment requests from the sellers for easy management
  • Ready-made solutions for scalability like Seller CSV Import/Export, Customer Seller Ticket System, Admin Seller Ticket System, Seller Discount/Coupon promotion, etc.
  • Compatibility with our other top modules like Android & iOS Mobile App, Return Manager, Booking and Rentals System, Review Reminder & Incentive, etc.
Advantages for the sellers:
  • Easy registration process
  • Easy to use seller interface
  • Seller Dashboard to track the sales
  • Easy interface to manage the product listing
  • Integrate shipping methods as per need
  • Request for the payment with ease & track the payment history
  • Check the orders from the marketplace
  • Check current earning, earning history, or order wise earning
  • Upgrade membership plan
  • Version 5.0.6
  • Downloads 2
  • Views 17
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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