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License Information
PLR License for KidToons Canva :
[YES] You can resell it at a price suggestion minimum of $14.
[YES] You can resell with commercial or personal license.
[YES] You can rebrand and put your name as the author (strongly recommended).
[YES] You can edit it with whatever you want, change language, voiceover, etc.

[NO] You can’t give it away for free.
[NO] You can’t sell with a PLR OR Any resell rights license.

Get Access to a Huge Collection of Unique and Custom-Made Children Video Stories in Highly Profitable Children Niche, All with Free Private Label Rights License​

FULL Private Label Rights to Every Children Video Stories, Template and Asset, PLUS a Complete Marketing Tool that Allows You to Easily Re-brand, Re-sell, and Start Your Own Digital Product Business in the Hottest Niche, Keeping 100% of the Profits You'll Ever Make

Discover a groundbreaking way to create and sell your own digital product in the video niche. It showcases captivating and educational children's video stories with complete voiceovers and engaging audio backgrounds.

Every video and animation is exclusively crafted by our team, ensuring exceptional quality and uniqueness for children.

This complete package provides vital marketing tools like VSL, a sales page, and a download page. It helps you sell your digital product quickly and effectively to your customers.

Launch Your Own Digital Product Business in the Hottest Niche with Just 3 Simple Steps​

Step 1 - Access
Get KidToons Canva with a Full PLR License, granting you access to a vast array of ready-to-use children's video stories and editable templates ready to be claimed as your own—no need to deal with product research, development, or any hassles

Step 2 - Rebrand
Utilize our ready-made marketing kit and effortlessly rebrand it as your very own product. You can stamp your name as the author, and you'll receive a complete website and VSL to streamline the product's sales process.

Step 3 - Profit
Start selling your own high-quality digital product in the hottest niches to your customers and start enjoying profits from it!

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  • Version 1.0
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  • Views 220
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